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eLos ESASO e-Learning Ocular Surgery

ESASO is much more than a school: we are the largest ophthalmology community, with over 14,000 specialists sharing best practices and the latest know-how in ophthalmological treatment and care.

We support the professional development of ophthalmologists, offering opportunities to meet colleagues, engage in discussions, and create crucial partnerships. We design educational programs that cater to the needs of ophthalmologists and residents at every stage of their careers.

Our goal is to support professionals in their development. In pursuit of this objective, we have created eLOS, an eLearning platform that allows you to access all the helpful content anytime and anywhere. eLOS operates in parallel with other ESASO events, maximizing the learning opportunities.

eLOS enables us to share best practices, experiences, and the latest know-how in ophthalmology.

eLos provides a new interactive training model dedicated to ophthalmologists.

It aims to disseminate scientific content related to the different fields in ophthalmology (retina, glaucoma, cataract, cornea, oculoplastic, uveitis, dry eyes, …).

It is a communication hub for the management of a scientific community, where groups can be organized and divided into categories.

The platform allows a complete interaction between users and permit to publish material (without profiling), that remains property of the author and available for the community, for a scientific and professional discussion.

It is also a sort of archive: a simple search allows the participant to find old files quickly and in an easy way.

eLos is available for computer and for mobile phones.

eLos allows to organise and share: live surgeries, webinars, webcasts, clinical case discussion,  round tables, tele-mentoring and more. All the educational activities are interactive and allow the discussion between participants and lecturers, in real time and on demand.

Access to e-Los

An invitation from ESASO administrator is necessary to access the platform.
This guarantees that the platform is closed and safe.
For more information send an e-mail to

If you are interested in joining eLos, please send your application by clicking the button below or copy the link:

eLos Application

Access to e-Los: Video Tutorial

Trouble in accessing eLOS? Don't worry, just follow the video tutorial... and if you still need help:

How to deactivate E- Los notifications:

Do you get too many notifications from elos? Don't worry, you can stop them. Watch the tutorial