Consultant, Neuro-ophthalmology and Medical Retina Department, Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano.

Laura Dell’Arti had her medical degree and performed her ophthalmology training at the University of Milan.

In 2008 she attended an observership in Mount Sinay hospital (NY) in neurology department. During her residency she had an honorary fellowship in neuro ophthalmology at Wills Eye Hospital (Philadelphia). In 2017 and 2018 she worked as a fellow in neuro ophthalmology and emergency department in Moorfields Eye Hospital (London), collaborating with Queen Square Hospital and St. Thomas Hospital.

Since 2018 she has been working as a consultant in Policlinico Hospital in Milan, both in the medical retina unit and neuro-ophthalmology service, which she started in 2019.

Dr Dell’Arti is a contract professor at the University of Milan. She has been a speaker at national and international conferences and  has been performing collaborative research with neurology, neurosurgery and endocrinology departments.