The Community
for Eye Health Professionals


A Network for all the Eye Health people

Following our vision of enhancing and advancing eye care for the benefit of patients, we envisioned creating a virtual space for the eye health community to connect, discuss, and evolve together.
This led to the creation of eLOS, a community where learning and sharing converge to shape the future of ophthalmology collaboratively.

There are many reasons to join eLOS

A Network Dedicated to the Eye Sector

A place where to meet, discuss, offer and request. Make yourself known!

An Open Source of Updated Education

All the content is curated and prepared after careful review of ESASO professionals.

Accessible at Anytime, Anywhere

Powered by Meta Workplace, eLOS is avaiable whenever you are, also via App

eLOS is Free: for All, Forever

Our vision is to change the world of Ophthalmology, Thank you for being with us!

What to expect on eLOS

KEEP UP WITH THE WORLD of ophthalmology

Surgeries. Papers. Researches.

Share with all your peers media about your work, your surgeries, your accomplishments. Receive feedback, appreciation, and more!


Accredited Courses. Webinars. Conferences.

Free educational events with international experts, curated content and the latest developments of the industry. You can join whenever you are!


Your work. Your surgeries.
Your contribute.

Share with all your peers media about your research, your surgeries, your accomplishments. Receive feedback, appreciation, and more!


The learning doesn't end with the class

Exclusive access to the professor's lecture files, course-specific group chats, media and more.


For the Future of Ophthalmology

Villa Saroli
Viale Stefano Franscini, 9
CH-6901 Lugano (Switzerland)

+41 (0)91 921 11 54

ESASO Training Centre
Via agli Orti 20, CH-6901 Lugano


Postal Address
c/o BNTA
Via Balestra 17, PO Box 1170 6901 Lugano