Dr. Nicolás Alejandre MD, PhD. Associate Chief. Cornea and Ocular Surface. Fundación Jimenez-Diaz, Madrid
Nicolas Alejandre is Associate Chief at the Corneal and Ocular Surface Section in the University Hospital Fundacion Jimenez-Diaz in Madrid focusing his clinical practice in corneal transplantation, complex cases of cataract surgery, anterior segments reconstruction and ocular surface diseases.
He is supervisor of the hospital’s residency training ophthalmology program and Coordinator of Research in the Opthalmology Department. He is also a member of the Institutional Board in that hospital.
He has published more than twenty peer-reviewed papers and has been invited to lecture in more than one hundred international and national conferences.
He graduated at Autonoma University of Madrid. He obtained the MD degree at the Complutense University of Madrid (botulinum toxin efficacy in congenital endotropia). He worked in his PhD Madrid (Corneal changes after ICRS in keratoconus) at the Autonoma University and the Spanish Council of Research (CSIC) where he was Associate Investigator for five years.
He currently holds three patents on accommodative intraocular lenses and corneal biomechanics.
Finally, he has co-founded 2Eyes vision, a start-up in the field of simultaneous vision where he has been the general manager for one year and a half.