Professor and Chairman of Ophthalmology, Dept. of Surgical and Morphological Sciences, School of Medicine and Residency in Ophthalmology, University of Insubria, Varese and Como, Italy

Graduated in Medicine in Trieste, Specialization in Ophthalmology, Fellowship at the “Retina Associates” in Boston. Training in Lausanne, Rotterdam, Antwerp, New York, St. Louis. Medical officer. Founder and President of the “Italian Vitreo Group” for innovation in vitreoretinal surgery. Creator and founder of the no-profit society “Comed Research” for e-health programs. Organizer of many Congresses and Meetings.

Contributors in studies and original inputs on development of new substances and new procedures to aid vitreoretinal surgery, genetic engineering, new endolasers and operating field equipment, optical coherence tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Original contributions on the organization, procedures and technologies of new telemedicine programs.

Author, editor or co-editor of over 350 scientific publications in national, international, peer-reviewed journals, books and books’ chapters. Reviewer of several international prestigious ophthalmological journals. Member of many scientific national and international ophthalmological societies such as Club Gonin, Macula Society, Retina Society, American Academy of Ophthalmology and ARVO.