Aman Chandra FRCOphth PhD MFSTEd FRCSEd

Aman Chandra is a consultant ophthalmologist, vitreoretinal surgeon and cataract surgeon at the Mid & South Essex Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, based in Southend on Sea in Essex, UK. He has a particular interest in surgical training, and has taught on ESASO courses since 2016. He has developed vitreoretinal surgical training seminars in the UK (“Clues from the Cutter”), Euretina and at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) in UK. He leads on the ocular trauma course at RCOphth and has been a regular microsurgical trainer there for over 5 years. Additionally he regularly trains on the British Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons (BEAVRS) scleral buckling course. His interest in training has resulted in being awarded Membership of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers.

He has completed a PhD investigating the genetic predisposition of Retinal Detachments and Ectopia Lentis from UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, and was awarded the Syme Medal from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for this work. He has written over 60 publications and 6 book chapters.