Head of VR Department, St. Augustinus Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium

1983 Medical Doctor Univ of Antwerp
1983 Educational Comission for Foreign Medical Graduates USA
1987 Ophthalmologist Diploma Belgium
1988 Retina Fellow Retina Associates Boston
1988 Founder VR Department AZ.Middelheim
1989 Retina Fellow Dr Zivojnovic Rotterdam
1989-1997 Associate Dr Zivojnovic AZM Antwerp
1998-2005 Head of VR Department AZ.MIddelheim Antwerp
2001 Achievement Award American Academy of Ophthalmology
2005 Founder VR Department ST.Augustinus
2005-2011 Head of VR Department ST.Augustinus Antwerp

Founder and Organizer of bi-annual Antwerp Vitreo-retinal Course since 1989 hosting several hundreds of retina specialists from more than 25 countries.

Over 4oo invited guest lectures in five continents Organizer of fellowships and live surgery demonstrationss for retina specialists from all continents.

Live Surgery demonstrations abroad, in 6 European countries, in the Middle East, South America, Asia and Africa.

Developer of new surgical instrumentation and techniques in collaboration with different Medical Companies.

Peer reviewer of international magazines.

Laureate of several international awards.

1200 Surgical interventions per year with 30% international patients.

Specialized in trauma, advanced diabetic retinopathy, PVR, re-operations, macular translocations, ROP, pediatric pathology