EVANS Nicholas

Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, Royal Eye Infirmary, Plymouth, UK

Dr Evans studied Physiological Sciences at Oxford, and Medicine at Westminster Medical School, London.

He began his career as an ophthalmologist at Westminster Hospital, and then worked for 5 years in Tropical Medicine, in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London, and as District Medical Officer Kiribati, before resuming ophthalmology in England.

He developed interests in paediatric ophthalmology and neuro-ophthalmology working as Lecturer in the University Department of Ophthalmology at Leicester, when he was awarded the Treacher Collins Prize for his work on nystagmus.  He trained in Vitreoretinal Surgery with John Scott In Cambridge.

His particular clinical interests focus on the application of basic sciences to clinical pathology, and in particular the pathophysiological basis of rhegmatogenous and vitreoretinal interface disease.  His publications include “Ophthalmology.  A Clinical Guide” (pub OUP 1996).