FRANCH Antonella

MD, Head of Ophthalmology Department, Ospedale SS Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, Head of C.C.S.O.(Centro Cornea e Superficie Oculare) in the Eye Bank Foundation, Mestre , Venice

After graduating from the University of Bologna’s School of Medicine, Antonella specialized in Ophthalmology at Milan’s University of San Raffaele (HSR).

Her fields of interest include corneal diseases, ocular surface diseases, corneal infections and corneal surgery.

Our Cornea Service C.C.S.O. has been at the forefront of many medical and surgical advances in the field.

C.C.S.O. is a national resource for the management of difficult-to-treat and sight-threatening diseases such as severe corneal ulcers, acanthamoeba diseases, viral diseases, and severe cases of ocular surface disease.

It is specialized in Fuchs’ dystrophy and keratoconus, and DSAEK, DMEK, DALK, PK and other corneal surgery is performed (conjunctival graft, cyanoacrylate glue corneal patch, fibrin glue and others).

She has taken part in several multicenter trials related to cornea and anterior segment.

She is currently participating in the international ODAK Phase 3 (Orphan Drug for Acanthamoeba Keratitis) study.