Professor in Ophthalmology, President of Turkish Republics Ophthalmological Society (TROS), Retina Consultant Jimer Hospital Ophthalmology Department, Bursa Turkey.

He completed his medical training at Hacettepe University Medical School Ankara, Turkey in 1979 and the ophthalmology training and Retina sub-specialization in Ghent University  Ophthalmology Dept. Belgium in 1984 (Prof JJ.De laey).

He attended fellowship programs in Basel Switzerland ( Prof.B.Gloor) , Nijmegen, Holland (Prof.A.Deutman, Prof.F.Hendrikse) and Antwerpen (Dr.Zivojnoviç).

His academic career started at Uludag University Medical School Ophthalmology Department , Bursa Turkey 1984 as an Assistant Professor, had the degree of Associate Professor in ophthalmology in1988 and the degree of Professor in ophthalmology in 1993.

He is a member of the Turkish Ophthalmological Society (TOS), TROS, Jules Gonin Club, International fluorescein Angiography Club, Euretina,  AAO, and  Turkish Retina, Vitreo-retinal and Uvea-Behçet Societies. He functions in the editorial Board of  International Ophthalmology, Turkish Ophthalmological Journal,  Journal of Retina& Vitreous,  Turkish Clinics Journal  Turkish Journal of Travmatology and Several local  Turkish Medical Journals.

Furthermore, he presented at conferences at Albany Medical School,USA,  Ghent University, Belgium,  Radboud University, Nijmegen Holland,   Baku University Azerbaijan, Almaty, Kazakhstan,  Osh Kirghistan; Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia.

Educational activities;

Contributed to more than 200 publications in National and International  Ophthalmology Journals and functioned as an author in ophthalmology books and was actively involved in many national and international congresses as a panelist, speaker, and moderator and joined educational activities in several international universities and private eye clinics.