GIZZI Corrado

Corrado Gizzi, MD. Glaucoma Consultant. Lead of the Glaucoma Service at Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital (Forlì) and Infermi Hospital (Faenza), Italy

Corrado Gizzi, MD, graduated from Alma Mater University of Bologna (Italy) in 2007 and completed his Ophthalmology training in 2012 in the same University.

From 2015 to 2019 he was appointed first as a Honorary Registrar (2015) and then as a Clinical Fellow (2016-2019) in the Glaucoma Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital (London, UK).

He is the lead of the Glaucoma Service at Ospedale Morgagni-Pierantoni (Forlì, Italy) since 2019 and at Ospedale degli Infermi (Faenza, Italy) since 2022.

He is actively involved in clinical research and attended as a presenting author to several national and international conferences. He has also taken part as an author to several papers published on international peer-reviews papers.

He is a member of the European Glaucoma Society (EGS) and a Overseas Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine (London, UK).