Dr. Nataliia Malachkova, MD, PhD Head of ophthalmology department in VNMMPU (Vinnitsya National Memorial Medical University), Ukraine

Dr. Nataliia Malachkova, MD, PhD.



Medical Diploma obtained in Vinnitsya State medical University in 1999. From 2000 – 2002 specialist in Vinnitsya regional chaild hospital, including the department of newborn and newborn reanimation. From 2002 Specialised in microsurgery (cataract, glaucoma), Kyiv. 2016 – South Korea ( orthokeratology and correction of Keratoconus), Vitreoretinal suregery- 2018 (Poland).

2017 – Fellowship Agarval’s clinic (Chennai, India), 2018 – ESASO module Cornea and cornea refractive surgery (Lugano, Switzeland), 2019 – ESASO plastic and lacrimal surgery (Lugano, Switzeland).

From 2016  – Head of ophthalmology department VNPMMU, associate professor, director of postgraduate course for ophthalmologist.

Defended scientific work in medical science in 2007. Develop the genetic direction in miopia, glaukoma, has researches in diabetic rethinopathy, infectious keratitis and drye eye.


Social activities

Head of civil organization “Wave of life” which work with blind people.


Membership of professional bodies

Member of National Ukrainian ophthalmology society, Member of national pediatric ophthalmology society, member of Ukranian national refractive surgery society, member of Ukranian glaucoma society, member of WPOS, member of Euretina, members of Ukranian counsel of dry eye.


Has published several articles in national and international journals.