Manoilo Tetiana

Tetiana Manoilo , MD, PhD, Head of Laser Refractive department of the network of private ophthalmological clinics “New Vision” in Ukraine.

Tetiana Manoilo received her medical degree from Bohomolet’s National State Medical University in Kiev, Ukraine, in 1999 and then completed her residency at the Central Kyiv hospital and Bohomolet’s National State Medical University.

In 2007 she has received PhD degree in ophthalmology.

Dr. Manoilo’s major clinical interests include refractive laser surgery and keratoconus.

She had approx. 70 Conferences/talks in National and International Meetings, 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals in Ukraine. She is a regular teacher in refractive laser wet-labs and masterclasses with special focus on flap technics.