Full Professor of Ophthalmology and Chairman, University Eye Clinic Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement, University of Verona Director of the School of Ophthalmology, University of Verona AOUI – Borgo Roma University Hospital – Verona (Italy)
Professor Giorgio Marchini is Full Professor and Chairman of the Ophthalmology Section of the Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement at the University of Verona – Italy, and clinical chief of the Eye Clinic at the university hospital of Verona (AOUI). Since 2005 he is Director of the School of Ophthalmology and Residency Training Programme at the same University.
Surgical Experience.
At present Prof. Marchini has performed more than 25.000 surgical procedures. These include the standard surgery of cataract and glaucoma (trabeculectomy), the non perforating trabecular surgery (deep sclerectomy), canaloplasty, MIGS with microshunts, glaucoma valve-long tube implants, congenital glaucoma surgery, the latest techniques of lamellar corneal transplantation and endo-keratoplasty, corneal limbal stem cell implant in ocular surface diseases and conservative surgery of uveal melanoma.
Teaching and Training Activity.
Prof. Marchini is the lead teacher of “Diseases of the Visual System” and “Ophthalmology” in both the faculties of “Medicine and Surgery” and “Dentistry” at the University of Verona. Furthermore, he is Director of the Residency Training Programme in Ophthalmology
He has organized advanced courses and medical education events in Ophthalmology. The latter were aimed at the learning and development of innovative techniques in the glaucoma surgery and corneal transplant.
Research/Scientific Activity.
Prof. Marchini’s scientific activity refers to the field of glaucoma, ultrasound bio-microscopy, anterior segment surgery, corneal transplantation and stem cells implant and ocular oncology. He is author of 364 original scientific articles, 33 book and monograph chapters in ophthalmology and 2 educational handbooks. He took part as speaker, invited speaker or teacher in 572 national and 67 international scientific meetings, congresses, seminars and update courses.
Membership and awards.
Prof. Marchini was an invited member of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. He has been member of the Research Committee of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) from 2002 to 2005, member of the Scientific Committee of the International Leksell Gamma Knife Society (LGKS) in the 2005-2006 and member of the Board of the following Societies: Italian Society of Corneal Transplants (SITRAC) from 2006 to 2009, Italian Association for the Study of Glaucoma (AISG) from 2010 to 2016 and Italian Society of Stem Cells and Ocular Surface Diseases (SICSSO) from 2014 to 2016. Currently he is Vice President of the Italian Society of Glaucoma (SIGLA).
Since 2008 to 2021 he was member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology (SOI), who awarded him with the prestigious Mario Zingirian SOI Medal Lecture 2014 for its clinical and scientific activity. He received the SIPe Gandolfo Lecture 2012 Award for his scientific activity in the field of diagnostic imaging and the AIMO Award 2020.
Prof. Marchini is member of 4 international scientific societies (American Academy of Ophthalmology-AAO, EGS, ESCRS, EUCORNEA) and 8 national scientific societies (SISO, SOU, SIGLA, SITRAC, SICSSO, AICCER, SIPe, SOT). Furthermore he is a Scientific Reviewer of 3 impacted peer reviewed international journals and member of the editorial board of two national journals.