Rita Mencucci, MD
Doctor Rita Mencucci works at the Eye clinic of the Careggi University Hospital in Florence, Italy, and she is a Professor at the School of Ophthalmology at the University of Florence. She is an anterior segment and cornea surgeon.
She has organized several International and National Congresses, and she is a frequent presence at international scientific meetings related to her specialties of Cornea and Anterior Segment surgery.
She is an active member of the ophthalmological professional community and holds memberships to a variety of societies including the Italian Ophthalmological Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons, the Cornea Society and the European Cornea Society. Additionally, she is a member of the board of the Società Italiana Trapianti Cornea (SITRAC) and Società Italiana Cellule Staminali e Superficie Oculare (SICSSO).
Associate Editor of Frontiers in Ophthalmology. Reviewer for the principal journals in Ophthalmology; she is the author of more than 200 scientific papers published in the most relevant Journals in the field of Ophthalmology.