Moreno Menghini, PD Dr. med.
PD Dr. med. Moreno Menghini is a vitreoretinal specialist with research background in medical retina and imaging. He studied medicine at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, where he gained his MD. Moreno’s clinical training was undertaken at the University Hospital of Zurich, and the Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne, Switzerland. In 2012 he was awarded the George and Rosalie Hearst Fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco, USA to undertake a clinical fellowship under the mentorship of Professor Jacque Duncan. Thereafter he worked for a Swiss private eye clinic (Vista) before having been granted 2016 the position of vitreoretinal fellow at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth, Australia, where he trained under the supervision of Professor Ian Constable. In 2019, Dr. Menghini completed an academic fellowship with focus on retinal gene therapy at the University of Oxford, UK under the mentorship of Professor Robert MacLaren. As an honorary clinical research associate of the University of Oxford, he continues to be involved scientifically through various joint collaborations. Through his continuous academic achievements Dr. Menghini has recently received the venia legendi at the University of Zurich, and holds the title of “Privat Dozent”. In January 2021, Dr. Menghini was nominated Head of Department of Ophthalmology at the Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Switzerland, and is now also responsible for the ophthalmology teaching module at the medical school of the Università Svizzera Italiana (USI). Furthermore, Dr. Menghini is adjoint consultant ophthalmologist at the Eye Clinic of the Luzerner Kantonsspital (LUKS), Lucerne, Switzerland, where he holds a monthly retinal dystrophy and oculogenetics clinic.