Professor of Ophthalmology, Head of Ophthalmology Department, Victor Babes University, Timisoara, Romania.

Work experience                 

Present: Prof univ, MD, PhD, Dr habil, FEBO

Professor of Ophthalmology, Head of Ophthalmology Department, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania

2011 – 2014: Associate Professor – Department of Ophthalmology, Head of Department, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine, Timisoara

2000 – 2011: Assistant Professor – Department of Ophthalmology, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine, Timisoara

Medical and surgical and competences: Anterior segment surgeon, Vitreoretinal surgeon.

Additional information (grants, publications, international awards): authored or co-authored over 80 articles in peer reviewed journals and 8 medical books. Recipient of a number of prizes and on the board of medical societies (national and specialized), as well as a consultant to numerous pharmaceutical companies. He is currently a co-investigator, together with Prof.Dr. Franz Fankhauser, to implement the diagnosis of non-exudative age related macular degeneration by non-invasive photon-correlation spectroscopy.

International awards: 1st Prize for best presentation on the Pathologies vasculaires oculaires topic – 114 Congres de la Societe Francaise d’Ophtalmologie, Paris (2008): Ossification de la choroide: a propos de 3  cas


Published papers (selection):

  1. Gerd U. Auffarth, Ozana Moraru, Mihnea Munteanu, Daniele Tognetto, Paolo Bordin, Roberto Belucci, Ramin Khoramnia, Hyeck-Soo Son. European, Multicenter, Prospective, Non-comparative Clinical Evaluation of an Extended Depth of Focus Intraocular Lens. J Refract Surg. 2020
  2. C Danielescu, N Anton, HT Stanca, M Munteanu. Endogenous Endophthalmitis: A Review of Case Series Published between 2011 and 2020. J Ophthalmol 2020
  3. B Tăbăcaru, S Stanca, V Mocanu, M Zemba, HT Stanca, M Munteanu. Intraoperative flap-related complications in FemtoLASIK surgeries performed with Visumax ® femtosecond laser: A ten-year Romanian experience. Exp Ther Med 2020
  4. MA Preda, OL Karancsi, Mihnea Munteanu, HT Stanca. Clinical outcomes of micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation in refractory glaucoma-18 months follow-up. Lasers Med Sci 2020
  5. Rosca C, Munteanu M, Tamasoi I, Petrovic Z, Balica N, Nicula C, Cretu O. Calcification of hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens in eyes with silicone oil tamponade – an interventional case series report. Acta Ophthalmol. 2016
  6. Munteanu M, Rosca C. Repositioning and follow-up of intralenticular dexamethasone implant. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2013
  7. Munteanu M, Munteanu G, Zolog I, Giuri S, Coviltir V, Stanca H, Cretu O. Ocular decompression retinopathy after combined deep sclerectomy and trabeculotomy. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2012
  8. M Munteanu. Complications hemorragiques des drusen de la papille. J Fr Ophtalmol 2007