Personal information

Born in Pisa (Italy) 15th  October 1951

University education

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Pisa University (1975).

Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) Passed January 1977.

VISA Qualifyng Examination Passed September 1977.

Postgraduate Degree  in Ophthalmology: University of Florence 1980

Current occupation: private practice, MiniHospital Sandro Pertini, Capannoli (Pisa).

Previous held positions (retired from November 2021):

From 1983  to 1988  Ophthalmic Assistant (Florence University).

From 1988 to 2002 Associated Professor, (Cagliari University,  Pisa University).

From 2002 to 2021   Full Professor of Diseases of the Visual Apparatus (Pisa University)

From 1994 to 2018 Director of the Postgraduate School of  Ophthalmology in Pisa.

From 1997 Coordinator of the Corneal Transplant Program for the Tuscany Region.

From 2011 to 2014  President of the Italian Society of Glaucoma

From 2008 to 2017 Vicepresident of University Ophthalmological Society.

From 2010 2020 Vicepresident of the Italian Ophthalmological Society.

From 2009 to 2020    Italian Delegate for the UEMS Ophthalmology Section.

Prof. Nardi   main interests are glaucoma, cataract, cornea and strabismus.

Prof. Nardi published more than 300 scientific papers.  He won National and International Prize, gave many lectures in National and International Congress, organized National and International Congress and Continuing Education Courses on bulbar surgery.


Commendatore of Italian Republic 2011,

Order of the Cherub,  Pisa University 2019

Master of Ophthalmology, Italian Ophthalmological Society 2019