Medical Director, Mainz University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany

1977-1985    Commencement of medical studies Gießen, Freiburg, Newcastle and Cambridge
1982-1983    Full-time basic research at the Dept. of Pharmacology of Freiburg University (Prof. Dr. med. K. Starke)
1985    Registration (“Approbation als Arzt”)
1985    Graduation as “Doktor der Medizin” with summa cum laude

Scientific career 
1985 -1990    University Eye-Hospital, Freiburg
1990    Facharzt für Augenheilkunde (fully qualified ophthalmologist)
1990    Change to Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Dept. of Ophthalmology
1992    Habilitation and venia legendi for Ophthalmology
1995    Head of Department (interimistic) in Mainz
1996    Appointment as Professor of Ophthalmology at Würzburg , Halle, Mainz
1997    Elected Member of the Medical Faculty at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
1998-2001    Chairman of the Medical Association Mainz
2000-2003    Medical Director at Johannes Gutenberg University Clinic Mainz
2005    Vice-President of the German Ophthalmological Society
2005 – 2009    Executive member of the European Glaucoma Society
2006    President of the German Ophthalmological Society
2007     President of the VOL
2007        Member of the Executive Committee of BVA
Since 2008    Medical Director  and CEO of the Mainz University Medical Center

Scholarships and awards
2009    Elected Member of Eureopean Academy of Ophthalmology
1998    Elected Member of Glaucoma Research Society
1994-2010    Several Best Paper-, Best Poster-, Best Film-Awards
1997    ”Best lecturer-Award” Mainz-University
1995    “Prix Galien” for pharmacological developments in glaucoma therapy
1993    Film Award of the German Ophthalmological Society
1993    Glaucoma Award of the German Ophthalmological Society
1990    National winner of the “Chibret Award”
1988    DFG-Scholarship
1984-1985     Scholarship of the British Council
1984    Travel grant of the Dr.-Carl-Duisberg-Stiftung
1981     Scholarship for clinical traineeship of the AIESEC
1979-1985    Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
1980-1981    Scholarship for studies abroad of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes