1981: University Degree in Medicine and Surgery, with a vote of 110/110 and distinction.
Topic of final thesis was “The use of infrared photography in ophthalmology”
Practical apprenticeship carried out at the Ophthalmology Department, University of Florence with final vote of “excellent”
1986 University of Florence Ophthalmology Department
Specialization in Ophthalmology with a vote of 70/70 and distinction
Topic of final thesis was “ Combined cataract extraction, IOL implant in the posterior chamber and perforating keratoplastic”, presented at the International Congress “Cataract and refractive Microsurgery” held in Florence 1987, and published in its Acts.
Postgraduate working experience
January 1981-October 1986: Ophthalmology Department, University of Florence, under professor Giorgio Venturi, Department Head, acting as internal physician
November 1986-March 1988 Ophthalmology Department, University of Cagliari, under Professor Luigi Barca, Department Head, acting as internal physician
Hospital Service
From 04-05-1988 to 11-23-1992 Ophthalmology Department, San Giovanni di Dio Hospital, Cagliari , as medical assistant .
From 11-23-1992 to 03-31-2001 Ophthalmology Department, Santa Chiara Hospital, Pisa , as medical assistant.
From 01-01-1998 to 04-01-2001 Ophthalmology Department, Santa Chiara Hospital as Head of the operatory rooms
From 04-01-2001 to 31/10/2014 Ophthalmology Department, Santa Chiara Hospital, Pisa , as Head Physician of Eye Clinic.
From 01/11/2014 Ophthalmology Department, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi Firenze, as Head Physician of Eye Clinic, and from 01/07/2015 Associate Professor, University of Firenze.
Didactic and Scientific Activity
1990-1991: External Professor in the course of “Refractive Microsurgery” at Ophthalmology Department, University of Cagliari
1992-1996: External Professor in the course of “Laser Refractive Microsurgery” Ophthalmology Department, University of Pisa
1994-1997: Part of the Teaching Staff of Ophthalmology in the University Course of Medicine, University of Pisa
1997-1998: Organiser of specialization courses in Vitreoretinal Surgery as director of studies.
Instructor of the of specialization courses in Cronic Glaucoma in Phacoemulsification
Ophthalmology Department, Santa Chiara Hospital, Pisa
1999-2007: Director of studies of the specialization courses in Vitreoretinal Surgery
Eye Surgery Clinic, Santa Chiara Hospital, Pisa
Annual Meeting Italian Society of Ophthalmology (SOI)
Italian Society of Vitreoretinal Surgery (GIVRE)
Organiser of the International Meeting “Endotamponade in Vitreoretinal Surgery:Up-to-Date”, Lido di Camaiore Lucca, 07-05-2003, Organiser of the International Meeting “HEA-TAM 2″ Viareggio June 2006, Organiser of the International Meeting “25-g 23-g MIVS:Up-to-Date”, Pisa 21 April 2007
Field of interest
Main research activities:
-Vitreoretinal Surgery -Heavy Endotamponades -Small Gauge Vitrectomy -Macular Surgery -Ocular Oncology -Ultrasounds
He has partecipated as principal investigator in a multicentric clinical trial in Italy concerning the efficacy of the combined endotamponade F6H8 (70%) -Silicone Oil 30%
as co-investigator in a multicentric clinical trial in Europe concerning the efficacy of Densiron endotamponade versus standard silicone oil
Dr Rizzo has published over 200 articles on vitreoretinal diseases and 10 chapters in vitreoretinal books.
He is distinguished national and international lecturer.
He serves on the board of major journals like Graefes’s Archives of Ophthalmology, Retina Journal, and he is highly active in professional societies.
He conducted clinical research according to GCP