Dr. André Romano is Medical Director, Neovista Eye Institute, Americana, Brazil

Dr. Romano completed his residency in Ophthalmology and Fellowship in Surgical Retinal at the Paulista, School of Medicine, Federal University in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He did his Internship at the Jackson Memorial Memorial Medical Center, University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, followed by an Anterior Segment (Cornea and External Diseases) Research Fellowship at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and an Ocular Surface Fellowship at the Ocular Surface Reseach & Educational Foundation, Kendall, Florida.

Dr. Romano has been involved in the development of ocular imaging, including the OCT technology. He was invited by Dr. Robert Nussemblatt to continue these developments as Visiting Researcher at the National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health for one year.

He has written two well known books in this field, including “Clinical En Face OCT Atlas” in 2013 and “Clinical OCT Angiography” in 2015 along with Dr. Huang, Coscas and Lumbroso.