Consultant Ophthalmologist, Vitreoretinal Surgeon and Medical Retina Specialist, West Sussex Hospital Foundation Trust, UK


November 1997: Certificate in Specialist Training in Ophthalmology University Eye Clinic, Genova, Italy

April 1991 : M.D. Thesis on ” Evaluation by fluorescein angiography of the chorioretinal blood flow in the stenosis of the carotid artery ” awarded by School of Medicine, University of Genova, Genova, Italy

April 1991: Doctor in Medicine and Surgery, graduated with “summa cum laude” School of Medicine, University of Genova, Genova, Italy


Nov 2015 – at present : Consultant Ophthlmologist / UK Vitreoretinal Surgeon and Mediacl Retina Specialist West Sussex Hospital Foundation Trust

June 2011 – Sept 2015: Consultant Ophthalmologist / DUBAI Vitreoretinal Surgeon and Medical Retina Specialist Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai

06. 2002 – 08.2011 : Consultant Ophthalmologist / ITALY Vitreoretinal Surgeon and Medical Retina Specialist

Employed at following hospitals:

03/05-08/11: Casa di Cura Citta’ di Bra, Bra

01/05-12/05: Ospedale S. Maria della Misericordia, Albenga

08/02-12/04 : Ospedale Santo Spirito, Casale Monferrato

Employed at following medical centers:

01/05-08/11: Poliambulatorio S Giovanni, Loano

02/03-08/11: Centro Medico Europeo, Cuneo

09/02-08/11: Casa di Cura S. Michele, Albenga

Areas of practice:

Vitreoretinal Diseases and Surgery

Diabetic Retinopathy Clinics

Intravitreal Injections
Cataract Surgery

Retinal Diagnostic exams

Laser treatments

08/10 – 09/10 : Locum Consultant Medical Retina / UNITED KINGDOM Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading

04/01 – 06/02 : Fellow in Vitreoretinal Surgery / UNITED KINGDOM Sussex Eye Hospital, Brighton

01/00 – 03/01: Fellow in Vitreoretinal Surgery / UNITED KINGDOM Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth

09/98 – 12/99: Fellow in Glaucoma and Cataract Surgery / UNITED KINGDOM Western Eye Hospital and Hillingdon Hospital, London

07/98 – 09/98: Visiting Fellow at Vitreoretinal Service / UNITED KINGDOM King’s College Hospital, London

05/98 – 06/98 : Visiting Fellow at Vitreoretinal Service / UNITED KINGDOM Moorfields Eye Hospital, London

08/96: Fellow in Medical Retina / FRANCE Clinique Ophthalmologique de Creteil, Paris

08/94 : Visiting Fellow in Medical Retina / USA Manhattan Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital, New York

(Prof. Yannuzzi)

11/93 – 11/97 : Specialist Training in Ophthalmology / ITALY University Eye Clinic of Genova

Publications Co-Author of more then 25 publications, including papers in Journal of Ophthalmology and Retina.