Head Ophthalmology Department, Santa Maria della Misericordia Hospital, Udine, Italy
When I first came to Lugano as an invited speaker for the Glaucoma session in 2013, I quickly realized how excellent this school was, and how fortunate I was to be amongst some of the most important world experts in the various fields of ophthalmology. I found this experience to be very exciting and enriching. I was really impressed with the glaucoma wet lab. There were more than 25 perfectly organized stations in which students could easily interact on a one-to-one basis with the various tutors and experts. This is just one example of how a well organized teaching course can be clinically useful for hundreds of young and highly-motivate doctors at the start of their carrier. I am very happy and honored to be part of this unique organization, and hope to continue to cooperate with the ESASO in the near future.