I work at the Canton Hospital Zenica, Ophthalmology Department in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I am 35 years old. I’ve read about ESASO via SOE link four years ago. After attending Oculoplastic Surgery Module in Malta, I feel that I could not have chosen better education and hands-on training in oculoplastic surgery than ESASO. The module provides all: comprehensive, yet concise, based on experts experiences theoretical lectures, followed by live surgical demonstrations, ending with personal surgical experience (hands-on training on cadavers).
There was enough time to study theory during mornings, time to learn how to properly perform a surgery in early afternoons, and more than enough time for practical cadaver dissection afterwards. Each participant has a cadaver and a partner/assistant to practice on/with, accompanied with eager to show and teach mentor.
One of the most enjoyable aspect of the module were pleasant, helpful and skilled staff and faculty of the ESASO that were available 24/7. Thank you.