CEO and Medical Director in Qvision, VITHAS Almería Hospital (Ophthalmology Department).

Medical Doctor (University of Granada) and Specialty in Ophthalmology (Jaen’s City Hospital), PhD in Physics Applied to Sciences and Technologies (University of Alicante), MSc in Evidence Based Medicine (Oxford University) Specialized in Ophthalmology and Anterior Segment Surgery: Refractive Surgery, Presbyopia and Cataracts.
CEO and Medical Director in Qvision, VITHAS Almería Hospital (Ophthalmology Department).
Patron of the Elena Barraquer Foundation with those perform two surgical expeditions per year to eradicate preventable blindness due to cataracts.
Publications in National and International Research Journals (h-index 11 by Scopus), in addition to his participation in the writing of books related to his specialty.
According to expertscape.com, 3rd worldwide expert for publications in PubMed on Multifocal IOLs.
Experienced Anterior Segment Surgeon, participating in live surgeries and communications in numerous National and International Ophthalmology Congresses.