Chair, Ophthalmology Unit, Sassuolo Hospital – Sassuolo (MO), Italy

He attended courses at Medicine School of Bratislava University in 1982, at Rotterdam Eye Hospital (glaucoma imaging and GDX) in 1997, at Cuneo Hospital (non penetrating glaucoma surgery) in 1998.

He was Director of Medical Service at Military District of Bologna in 1986-87

Clinical and Research Fellowship at Bologna University (01.08.1987-31.05.1990)

Full time ophthalmologist at Ophthalmology Clinic, Bologna University (01.06.1990-30.09.1996)

Consultant ophthalmologist at Modena University Ophthalmology Clinic, where he was in charge of Glaucoma Unit and Maculopathy Unit (01.10.1996-16.11.2007)

Since 01.01.2008 he is Head of Ophthalmology Unit at Sassuolo Hospital (Sassuolo-Modena)

His didactic activities were:

1999 – 2005 Aggregate professor at the School of Ophthalmology of Modena University

1999 – 2007 Aggregate Professor at the School of Neurosurgery of Modena University

1994 – 1996 Aggregate Professor at the School of Ophthalmology of Bologna University

1989-1990 Professor of Human Physiology and Ophthalmology at the Nurse School in Bologna

Member of Italian Ophthalmological Society; AISG and SIGla (Italian associations on glaucoma); Italian Perimetric Society (SIPe) whose he is member of Directive Council since 2009; European Glaucoma Society and European Society for Cataract and refractive Surgery.

Since March 2010 is a member of the Technical Committee of Sanitary Agency in Modena, concerning guidelines and Glaucoma Project implementation.

He is Author or Co-author of more than 100 published articles or book chapters on glaucoma, cataract surgery, retinal diseases.