Carsten H. Meyer is a third generation ophthalmologist serving as a specialist for ocular surgery and vitreoretinal diseases. He went to the medical schools in Freiburg, Innsbruck and Oxford and obtained his medical degree from the University of Munich. Dr. Meyer completed his residency at the University Eye Hospital, Luebeck (Prof. Laqua) and in 1999 pursued a 2-year vitreoretinal Fellowship at the internationally renowned Duke Eye Center, Durham (Prof. Toth, Prof. Machemer). He returned to Germany and became with his `Habilitation` an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Ophthalmology, Philipps-University, Marburg (Prof. Kroll), participated in a 2-year healthcare management program, was the mentor in 12 doctor thesis and is Affiliated Professor since 2007. He was appointed at the Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Bonn (Prof. Holz) in 2006 as senior surgeon and pioneer for intravitreal injections. He became in 2011 the Head surgeon of the Dept. of Ophthalmology, Pallas Clinic, Aarau Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology (FEBO) and certified Swiss Opthalmosurgeon (FMH). Since 2018 he serves the comprehensive large alpine network `Eye + Surgery Center Grischun` Chur, Davos and also as Adjunct Professor of the Federal University of Sao Paul (Prof. Maia, Prof. Farah).
Dr. Meyer published over the past 2 decades >40 textbook chapters including in the distinguished Sebag`s VITREOUS and 3 times repeatedly in the BMA award-winning Ryan’s RETINA. His OCT-Textbook CH Meyer, S Saxena, Vas Sadda (2017) became a Springer blockbuster with >32000 chapter downloads. He published >370 contributions in peer-reviewed journals in PUBMED Library of Medicine with >8200 citations, a H-Index 50, i10-Index 167 in Google scholar. Main contributions under his passionate leadership include `ocular anti-VEGF pharmakokinetics`, his first report on `RPE-tears after anti-VEGF injections`, pioneering concepts in `Chromovitrectomy` and `subretinal fluid application in persisiting macular holes.` The Chief-Editors of the journal EYE – official journal for the Royal College of Ophthalmologists – selected his paper among their top 15 publications ever.
Dr. Meyer is since >14 years editorial board member in ophthalmic journals, currently: Acta Opthalmol, Graefes Archive, Int Opthalmol, IJRV, J Ophthalmol, (past: Opthalmol Res, Klin Monatbl) and has >200 editor records under his guidance. He is a world leading reviewer in the field of ophthalmology with the most verified reviews (>1450) for >85 peer-reviewed journals, he was rated >580 times as `excellent reviewer`by the handling editor and holds 9 international annual `top reviewer awards` by PUBLONS, WEB OF SCIENCE recognition portal. He was named `outstanding`,`top-10` reviewer by AJO/Elsevier and Graefes/Springer publishers and became a certified advisor and mentor for young reviewers.
He holds patents in chromovitrectomy, was named for macular surgery, epiretinal membranes, vitreous, VEGF drugs as world `expert`and `top expert`since 2014 by the international scientific recognition and biomedical ranking portal EXPERTSCAPE. For his contributions he became distinguished member in the international esteemed `RETINA HALL OF FAME`(2021).
He received the Premio-Joaquin-Rutllan-Award (1999) in Barcelona, American Academy AAO-Achievement-Award (2008), the scientific Award by the Deutsche Opthalmochirurgen DOC (2008 + 2011), the International Moacyr-Álvaro-Gold-Medal (2018) in Sao Paulo, the national Eyefox-Video-Award (2020) in Berlin, the Leonhard-Klein-Award (2020) by the German Stifter Verband, the Swiss Heinz-Oertli-Award (2020) for innovative ocular surgery by the SOG and the Theodor-Axenfeld-Award (2021).
He holds membership in the Retina Society, Club Jules Gonin, EURETINA, AAO, Deutsche und Schweizerische Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG, SOG) gives lectures at the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology (ESASO) and is a dedicated examiner in the panel of the European Board of Ophthalmology (EBO).