He was a research fellow at Emory Eye Center, Atlanta (Head Prof. H.F. Edelhauser) in 1989 and 1993 where he pionered the etiology of toxic endothelial cell destruction after cataract surgery (now called TASS, Toxic Anterior Segment Syndrome).
His research interests are in the field of corneal surgery and innovations in cataract and refractive surgery.
In addition, he is currently involved in research on femtosecond laser technology for performing various corneal transplantation techniques and on transscleral drug delivery.
He is Chairman of the Netherlands IntraOcular Implant Society (NIOIC), treasurer of the Dutch Corneal Society, board member of the Netherlands Transplantation Society (NTS) and treasurer of the ESCRS, where he also serves on the Corneal and Educational Committees.