1972 – Medical Degree, University of Thessaloniki, Greece. (very good)
1977-80 – Resident and internal assistant, Eye clinic, University of Zurich
1978-79 – Post-graduate studies (Munich-Vienna)
1980 – Ph.D Thesis, University of Zurich
1986-88 – Director in the Eye clinic, Hospital of Chania, Crete
1988 – Associate Professor in Ophthalmology, University of Crete
1989 – Founder and Director of the Vardinoyannion Eye Institute of Crete
1989-92 – Director in the Eye clinic, University Hospital of Herakleion
1996 – Professor in Ophthalmology
1996-2004 -Director in the Eye clinic, University Hospital of Herakleion
1998-99 2002-04 – Director of the Department of Neurology and Sensory Organs, University of Crete.
2004 – Rector of the University of Crete
2004 – Elected President of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS) 2006-08
2007 – Rector of the University of Crete
2005 – Vice president of the National Council for Research and Technology
2006 – Member of the Plenum of the Greek National Committee for UNESCO.
30 years of teaching experience in Switzerland and Greece at graduate and post-graduate level.
- Coordinator of the “Aegean Cornea” and “Aegean Retina” Conferences on a biannual basis in collaboration with the Harvard Medical School, AAO and ISRS Also Coordinator of the “Summer School in Visual Optics” on a yearly basis.
- Coordinator of the interdisciplinary postgraduate program entitled: “VISION and OPTICS”, in collaboration with the Department of Physics, the Department of Materials Science & Technology and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Crete.
15 International awards. The most important:
- The “Barraquer award” by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (1997)
- The “Casebeer Award”, by the ISRS (2002)
- The “Charles D. Kelman Innovator’s Lecture” award, by the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (2003)
- The “Albrecht-von-Graefe-Vorlesung” Award for the Innovator’s Lecture for 2003, by the Deutsche OphthalmoChirurgie (DOC)
- The “Lifetime Achievement Award” by the American Academy of Ophthalmology
- The “Binkhorst Medal” by the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery . (to be rewarded September 2009)
- Coordinator of 25 competitive research grants. (13 funded by the European Union, 12 funded by the Greek National General Secretariat of Research and Technology)
- Coordinator of 2 self-financed research programs. Total Budget 1995-2002: 4.566.974,33 Euro
- Writer of 5 international scientific textbooks in Ophthalmology
- Invited author in 17 chapters in international books.
- Reviewer in 6 international scientific journals.
- Principal Advisor for 32 Ph.D. Theses.
- Invited speaker in more than 100 international congresses.
- More than 230 presentations in international congresses and 160 in congresses in Greece.
- 145 Scientific publications. 105 published papers in International peer-reviewed scientific Journals. 40 Published papers in National peer-reviewed Scientific Journals.
- Holder of 18 patents in subjects of Medical Technology.